Publicerad forskning
Johnels, L., Wandin, H., Dada, S., & Wilder, J. (2024). The effect of MultiSensory Music Drama on the interactive engagement of students with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(1), 150-165.
Johnels, L., Wilder, J. & Vehmas, S. (2024). MultiSensory Music Drama with a student with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: A case study of teacher–researcher co- production. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 00, 1–12.
Wandin, H., Tegler, H., Svedberg, L. & Johnels, L. A Scoping Review of Aided AAC Modeling for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and Emergent Communication. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 10, 123–131 (2023).
Johnels, L. (2022). Multisensoriskt musikdrama‐Ett pedagogiskt arbetssätt för personer med flerfunktionsnedsättning. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, (5–6), 733–743.
Wandin, H., Lindberg, P., & Sonnander, K. (2022-September-29). A trained communication partner’s use of responsive strategies in aided communication with three adults with Rett syndrome: A case report. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
Wandin, H., Lindberg, P., & Sonnander, K. (2021). Aided language modelling, responsive communication, and eye-gaze technology as communication intervention for adults with Rett syndrome: Three experimental single case studies. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 18:7, 1011-1025, DOI:
Wandin, H., Lindberg, P., & Sonnander, K. (2020). Development of a tool to assess visual attention in Rett syndrome: a pilot study. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 36(2), 118-127,
Svedberg, L., Herngren, B., & Michno, P. (2019). How reconstructive surgery combined with physiotherapy for a painful nontraumatic patellar dislocation enabled a woman with Rett syndrome to become pain free and remain physically active: A case report. Clinical case reports, 7(3), 542. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.2013
Sernheim, Å-S., Hemmingsson, H., Lidström, H., Witt Engerström, I., Liedberg, G. M. (2019): Rett syndrome: Teenagers´and young adults’ activities, usage of time and responses during an ordinary week – a diary study. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy,
Larsson, G., Julu, P. O., Engerström, I. W., Sandlund, M., & Lindström, B. (2018). Walking on treadmill with Rett syndrome—Effects on the autonomic nervous system. Research in developmental disabilities, 83, 99-107.
Hemmingsson, H., Ahlsten, G., Wandin, H., Rytterström, P., & Borgestig, M. (2018). Eye-Gaze Control Technology as Early Intervention for a Non-Verbal Young Child with High Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Report. Technologies, 6(1), 12.
Sernheim, Å-S., Hemmingsson, H., Witt Engerström, I., Liedberg, G. (2016): Activities that girls and women with Rett syndrome liked or did not like to do. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy,
Halbach, N., Smeets, E. E., Julu, P., Witt‐Engerström, I., Pini, G., Bigoni, S., . . . van Roozendaal, K. (2016). Neurophysiology versus clinical genetics in Rett syndrome: A multicenter study. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 170(9), 2301-2309.
Wandin, H., Lindberg, P., Sonnander, K. (2015): Communication intervention in Rett syndrome: A survey of speech language pathologists in Swedish health services. Disability & Rehabilitation 37:15, 1324-1333
Wandin, H., Lindberg, P., Sonnander, K. (2015:) Habiliteringslogopeden i fokus: Beskrivning av kårens sammansättning och arbetsmässiga förutsättningar – resultat av en enkätstudie. Logopeden 3, 18-21
Bergström-Isacsson, M., Lagerkvist, B., Holck, U. & Gold, C. (2014): Neurophysiological responses to music and vibroacoustic stimuli in Rett syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities 35 (6), pp. 1281-1291.
Peter O.O. Julu, Ingegerd Witt Engerstrom, Stig Hansen, Flora Apartopoulos, Bengt Engerstrom, The ESSRA group.(2013): Treating hypoxia in a feeble breather with Rett syndrome. Brain & Development 35; 270–273.
Larsson, G., Julu, P.O.O., Witt Engerström, I., Sandlund, M., Lindström. B. (2013). Normal reactions to orthostatic stress in Rett syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities 34, pp. 1897–190
Bergström-Isacsson, M., Lagerkvist, B., Holck, U. & Gold, C. (2013): How facial expressions in a Rett syndrome population are recognised and interpreted by those around them as conveying emotions. Research in Developmental Disabilities 34 pp. 788-794.
Qvarfordt, I., Witt Engerström, I., & Eliasson, A. C. (2009). Guided eating or feeding: three girls with Rett syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16(1), 33-39.
Julu, P. O. O., Witt Engerström, I., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F., Engerström, B., Pini, G., . . . Smeets, E. E. J. (2008). Cardiorespiratory challenges in Rett’s syndrome. The Lancet, 371, 1981-1983.
Bergström-Isacsson, M., Julu, P. O. O., & Witt Engerström, I. (2007). Autonomic responses to music and vibroacoustic therapy in Rett syndrome: A controlled within-subject study. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 16(1), 42-59.
Lavås, J., Slotte, A., Jochym-Nygren, M., van Doorn, J., & Witt Engerström, I. (2006). Communication and eating proficiency in 125 females with Rett syndrome: The Swedish Rett Center Survey. Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(20), 1267-1279.
Smeets, E. E., Julu, P., van Waardenburg, D., Witt Engerström, I., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F., . . . Schrander-Stumpel, C. T. (2006). Management of a severe forceful breather with Rett syndrome using carbogen. Brain and Development, 28(10), 625-632.
Nomura, Y., Kerr, A., and Witt Engerström, I. Rett Syndrome; early behavior and possibilities for intervention. Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Research Workshop – from Basic Neuroscience to Habilitation and Treatment. Infant Behaviour. Brain and Development, 27 suppl 1.
Julu, P. O. O, & Witt Engerström, I. (2005). Assessment of the maturity-related brainstem functions reveals the heterogeneous phenotypes and facilitates clinical management of Rett syndrome. Brain and Development, 27 suppl 1, 43-53.
Larsson, G., Lindström, B., & Witt Engerström, I. (2005). Rett syndrome from a family perspective: The Swedish Rett Center survey. Brain and Development, 27 suppl 1, 14-19.
Nomura, Y., Kerr, A., & Witt Engerström, I. (2005). Preface. In Rett Syndrome; early behavior and possibilities for intervention. Research conference at Rett Center, Frösön 2003, Nomura, Y., Kerr, A., and Witt Engerström, I (Eds) Brain and Development, 27 suppl 1, 1.
Leonard, H., Weaving, L., Eastaugh, P., Smith, L., Delatycki, M., Witt Engerström, I., & Christodoulou, J. (2004). Trisomy 21 and Rett syndrome: a double burden. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 40(7), 406-409.
Hagberg, B., Erlandsson, A., Kyllerman, M., & Larsson, G. (2003). Odd MECP2-mutated Rett variant – long-term-follow-up profile to age 25. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 7(6), 417-421.
Engerström, L., Witt Engerström, I., Julu, P. O. O., Apartopoulos, F., & Hansen, S. (2001). Cardiovascular response to Valsalva’s manoeuvre (VM) in conscious girls with Rett syndrome (RS). Journal of Physiology, 536, 149-150.
Hagberg, G., Stenbom, Y., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). Head growth in Rett syndrome. Brain and Development, 23 suppl 1, 227-229.
Julu, P. O. O., Kerr, A. M., Apartopoulos, F., Al-Rawas, S., Witt Engerström, I., Engerström, L., . . . Hansen, S. (2001). Characterisation of breathing and associated central autonomic dysfunction in the Rett disorder. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 85(1), 29-37.
Julu, P. O. O., Olivecrona, M., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). Brainstem plasticity during electrical stimulation of left vagal nerve trunk in fully conscious human subjects. Journal of Physiology, 85, 29-37.
Julu, P. O. O., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F., Olivecrona, M., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). Effects of electrical stimulation of left vagal nerve trunk on cardiac vagal tone in fully conscious human subjects. Journal of Physiology, 223-224.
Julu, P. O. O., Olivecrona, M., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). Effects of electrical stimulation of vagal nerve trunk on breathing movements in fully conscious human subjects. Journal of Physiology.
Kerr, A. M., Nomura, Y., Armstrong, D., Anvret, M., Belichenko, P. V., Budden, S., Witt Engerström. I., Segawa, M. (2001). Guidelines for reporting clinical features in cases with MECP2 mutations. Brain and Development, 23(4), 208-211.
Larsson, G., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). Gross motor ability in Rett syndrome–the power of expectation, motivation and planning. Brain and Development, 23 suppl 1, 77-81.
Leonard, H., Silberstein, J., Falk, R., Houwink-Manville, I., Ellaway, C., Raffaele, L., Witt Engerström, I., Schanen, C. (2001). Occurrence of Rett syndrome in boys. Journal of Child Neurology, 16(5), 333-338.
Merker, B., Bergström-Isacsson, M., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). Music and the Rett disorder: The Swedish Rett Center survey. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 10(1), 42-53.
Hagberg, G., Stenbom, Y., & Witt Engerström, I. (2000). Head growth in Rett syndrome. Acta Paediatrica, 89(2), 198-202.
Kerr, A. M., & Julu, P. O. O. (1999). Recent insights into hyperventilation from the study of Rett syndrome. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 80(4), 384-387.
Julu, P. O. O., Kerr, A., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F., & Jamal, G. A. (1998). Cardio-respiratory instability in Rett syndrome suggests medullary serotononergic dysfunction. In Witt Engerström, I and Kerr, A.M. meeting report. Workshop on autonomic function. Swedish Rett Centre, Froson, Sweden. May 1998. Brain and Development, 20, 323-326.
Kerr, M. A., Julu, P. O. O., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F. (1998). Results from the Rett autonomic assessments during the workshop. In Witt Engerström, I and Kerr, A.M. meeting report. Workshop on autonomic function. Swedish Rett Centre, Froson, Sweden. May 1998. Brain and Development, 20, 323-326.
Witt Engerström, I., (1998). The Swedish Rett Center. In Witt Engerström, I and Kerr, A.M. meeting report. Workshop on autonomic function. Swedish Rett Centre, Froson, Sweden. May 1998. Brain and Development, 20, 323-326.
M. A., Julu, P. O. O., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F. (1998). Results from the Rett autonomic assessments during the workshop. In Witt Engerström, I and Kerr, A.M. meeting report. Workshop on autonomic function. Swedish Rett Centre, Froson, Sweden. May 1998. Brain and Development, 20, 323-326.
Witt Engerström, I., (1998). The Swedish Rett Center. In Witt Engerström, I and Kerr, A.M. meeting report. Workshop on autonomic function. Swedish Rett Centre, Froson, Sweden. May 1998. Brain and Development, 20, 323-326.
Witt Engerström, I., & Kerr, A. M. (1998). Workshop on Autonomic Function in Rett Syndrome. Swedish Rett Center Frösön, Sweden, May 1998. Brain and Development, 20(5), 323-326.
Wandin, H. (2021). Communication Assessment in Rett Syndrome from an ICF perspective – Tools for Assessing Participation and Environmental and Personal factors. I Stasolla, F. (Ed). Rett Syndrome (RTT): From Diagnosis to Treatment (55-67). Nova Science Publishers
Svedberg, L., Sernheim, Å-S., Wandin, H. (2021). Specialist Investigation of Motor Function and Communicative Ability in Rett syndrome – Using Engagement and Active Participation. I Stasolla, F. (Ed). Rett Syndrome (RTT): From Diagnosis to Treatment (27-39). Nova Science Publishers
Sernheim, Å-S. (2021). Significance of Doing: Activities and Rett syndrome. I Stasolla, F. (Ed). Rett Syndrome (RTT): From Diagnosis to Treatment (41-53). Nova Science Publishers
Wandin, H. (2020). Symbol-based communication intervention for individuals with Rett syndrome: Current practices, assessment of visual attention, and communication partner strategies, Doctoral dissertation, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
Klang, N., Wandin, H., Wilder, J., Göthberg, E. & Sild, M. (2019). Barn med flerfunktionsnedsättning – samspel och social inkludering: Rapport från ett samverkansprojekt. FoSam Rapport – Forum för samverkan, Uppsala universitet; 2019:2
Sernheim, Å-S. (2018). Time for activities for girls and women with Rett syndrome. Licentiate dissertation. Linköping University, Linköping.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2018). Music therapy: meeting physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs
Sernheim, Å-S. (2018) Occupational therapy for hands: facilitating adults’ daily living activities. Rett Resource – Rett Syndrome Europe
Svedberg, L. (2018) Physiotherapy: developing and improving motor functions. Rett Resource – Rett Syndrome Europe
Svedberg, L. (2018) Hippotherapy: developing motor and communication skills. Rett Resource – Rett Syndrome Europe
Wandin, H. (2017). Gaze-Based Assistive Technology – Usefulness in Clinical Assessments. In P. Cudd & L. de Witte (Red.), Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (Vol. 242, pp. 1113 – 1118): IOS Press. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-798-6-1113
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2017). Musikterapeutens roll och funktion inom svensk specialistsjukvård – en transdisciplinär arbetsmodell. I A. Sandell, I. Hammarlund, A-K. Kuuse & L. Johnels (Red.) Möten Musik Mångfald: Perspektiv på musikterapi. (s. 129-140). Göteborg: Förbundet för musikterapi i Sverige (FMS).
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2017). Musik och vibroakustisk stimulering av personer med Rett Syndrom – en neurofysiologisk studie. I A. Sandell, I. Hammarlund, A-K. Kuuse & L. Johnels (Ed.) Möten Musik Mångfald: Perspektiv på musikterapi. (s. 303-316). Göteborg: Förbundet för musikterapi i Sverige (FMS).
Larsson, G. (2013). Rett syndrome, motor development, mobility and orthostatic reactions Loss of function, difficulties and possibilities. Doctoral thesis. Umeå University, Umeå.
Wandin, H. (2012). Språk hos barn med funktionsnedsättning. I B. Lagerkvist & C. Lindgren (Red.) Barn med funktionsnedsätting. (s. 277-285). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Wandin, H. (2012). Alternativ kommunikation och ätsvårigheter. I B. Lagerkvist & C. Lindgren (Red.) Barn med funktionsnedsätting. (s. 297-311). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2012). Musikterapi inom habiliteringsverksamhet. I B. Lagerkvist & C. Lindgren (Red.) Barn med funktionsnedsätting. (s. 313-317). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2011). Music and Vibroacoustic Stimulation in People with Rett Syndrome–A Neurophysiological Study. Doctoral thesis. Aalborg University Denmark. Svensk Sammanfattning, English Summary.
Wandin, H. (2010). KomRett – Utvärdering av en kommunikationskurs för närstående till personer med Rett syndrom. Magisteruppsats. Uppsala universitet, Uppsala.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2008). Advantages and Disadvantages of doing a research study using quantitative methods. Nordic Journal of Music therapy forum Retrieved February 5, from
Witt Engerström, I. (2009). Cardiorespiratoriska störningar vid Rett syndrom – en utmaning för Hälso- och sjukvården: Frösödeklarationen. Svensk översättning av förarbete till Julu, P et al (2008).
Larsson, G. (2008). Motor function over time in Rett syndrome – loss, difficulties and possibilities. Licentiate thesis. Umeå University, Umeå.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2007). Brainstem responses to music and vibroacoustic stimulation: an ongoing study, from
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2007). Brainstem responses to music and vibroacoustic stimulation: an ongoing study. The Lurie Centre for Music Therapy Research.Newsletter. Vol. 4.
Jochym-Nygren, M. (2006). Hur påverkas oralmotoriken hos personer med Rett syndrom av guidning i matsituationen: Att äta eller matas. Magisteruppsats. Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2005). Musik och vibroakustik vid Rett syndrom. Magisteruppsats i musikpedagogik, Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm.
Witt Engerström, I., Larsson, G., Bergström-Isacsson, M., Wesslund, B., Qvarfordt, I., & Jochym-Nygren, M. (2005). Rett Syndrom – Hur kan det se ut och vad kan man göra? Östersund: Svenskt Rett Center.
Larsson, G. (2003). General development in females with Rett syndrome, focusing on abilities, deformities and management: The Swedish Rett Center Survey. Master, Umeå Universitet, Umeå.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2001). Musik och Rett syndrom – en musikterapeutisk tolkning. C-uppsats. Kungliga Musikhögskolan, Stockholm.
Julu, P. O. O. (2001). The central autonomic disturbance in Rett syndrome. In A. Kerr & I. Witt Engerström (Eds.), Rett disorder and the developing brain (pp. 131-181). New York: Oxford University Press.
Kerr, A., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). The clinical background to the Rett disorder. In A. Kerr & I. Witt Engerström (Eds.), Rett disorder and the developing Brain (pp. 1-26). New York: Oxford University Press.
Kerr, A., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). The developmental perspective of the Rett Disorder: where next? In A. Kerr & I. Witt Engerström (Eds.), Rett disorder and the developing brain (pp. 349-359). New York: Oxford University Press.
Kerr, A., & Witt Engerström, I. (2001). Rett disorder and the developing brain. New York: Oxford University Press. (Lärobok)
Witt Engerström, I. (1996 och 1998). Rett syndrom – en översikt. Föreningen Autism. ISBN 91-630-6605-X.
Witt Engerström, I. (1996). Rett syndrom och Rett Center. Barnbladet.
Wandin, H. (2018). International guidelines for Management of Communication in Rett Syndrome. Abstract to 10th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy, Cascais, Portugal.
Wandin, H. (2017). Visual attention when aided language modeling is used in interaction. Abstract to 5th European Rett-Syndrom Congress, Berlin, Germany.
Wandin, H. (2015). “Logopeders erfarenheter av kommunikationsinsatser vid Rett syndrom”. Paper presented at Norrsken – Regional forskningskonferens. Östersund, Sweden.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2012). “Effekt av musikaliska stimuli- En neurofysiologisk studie”. Paper presented at Kvalitetsdagarna (Habilitation conference). Umeå, Sweden.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2012). “Musik och Rett syndrome – En neurofysiologisk studie. Paper presented at the HAB2012 Conference. Örebro, Sweden.
Svedberg, L. (2012). ”Perifer hudtemperatur och blodflöde vid Rett syndrom – ett pågående projekt”. Posterpresentation, Kvalitetsdagarna (Habiliterigskonferens), Umeå, 2011.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2011). “Autonomic responses to music and vibroacoustic stimulation in Rett syndrome”. Paper presented at The World Conference of Music Therapy in Seoul, South Korea.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2011). “Rett Center and Research in Music Therapy”. Paper presented at the European Conference in Rett Syndrome in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia.
Wandin, H. (2011). Kommunikation vid Rett syndrom; Vetenskaplig evidens och erfarenhet. Posterpresentation, Vuxenhabiliteringskonferens, Göteborg 2011 och Presenterat på Kvalitetsdagar för barn- och ungdomshabilitering, 2012.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2010). “Autonomic responses to music and vibroacoustic stimulation in Rett Syndrome”. Paper presented at the 3rd IASSID-Europe Conference, 20-22 October in Rome, Italy.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2010). “A Neurophysiological study of the effects of music and vibroacoustic stimulation in people with Rett syndrome”. Paper presented at the Swedish Music therapy conference, 20-21 March (FMS) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2010). “Musorik”. Paper presented at the Swedish Music therapy conference, 20-21 March (FMS) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2010). “Music in an everyday life in the work with Rett Syndrome”. Paper presented at The European Music therapy conference in Cádiz, Spain.
Wandin, H. (2010). Do I have a choice – early communication intervention for girls with Rett syndrome. ISAAC Biennal conference, Barcelona 2010.
Larsson, G. (2009). Fallbeskrivningar ”Skoliosoperation – och sedan”. Sjukgymnastdagarna 2009.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2008). “Musik in an everyday life”. Paper presented at The World Conference of Rett Syndrome in Paris, France.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2008). “The Musement”. Paper presented at the World Conference of Rett Syndrome in Paris, France.
Larsson, G. (2008). Case reports ”Surgery for scoliosis – and afterwards”. Abstract to World Congress 2008.
Larsson, G. (2008). Clinical intervention; regaining or retraining function and examples of motivating activities. Abstract to World Congress 2008.
Larsson, G. (2008). Motor function over time in Rett syndrome – loss, difficulties and possibilities. Abstract to World Congress of Rett syndrome 2008.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2006). ”Autonomic responses to music in Rett syndrome”. Paper presented at the Nordic Conference of Music Therapy in Stockholm, Sweden.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2006). ”Brainstem responses to music and vibroacoustic therapy in Rett Syndrome”. Paper presented at the RSE congress in Gdansk, Poland.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2006). ”Why music and music therapy?”. Workshop presented at RSE (Rett Syndrome Europe) congress in Gdansk, Poland.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2005). ”Autonomic responses to music in Rett syndrome”. Paper presented at the World Congress of Music Therapy in Brisbane, Australia.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2005). ”Brainstem responses to music therapy”. Paper presented at the EACD congress in Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2005). ”Kan musik och VT påverkan mätas neurofysiologiskt?” Paper presented at the Swedish County Council Research conference in Luleå, Sweden.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2005). ”The use of music therapy including vibroacoustic therapy”. Paper presented at the French parent association congress in Anger, France.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2004). ”The use of music”. Paper presented at the RSE congress in Zagreb, Croatia.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2001). ”Music and the Rett disorder: A music therapy interpretation”. Paper presented at the World Congress of Music Therapy in Oxford, England.
Larsson, G., Lindström, B., Witt Engerström, I. (1997). General development in females with rett syndrome, focusing on abilities, deformities and management: The Swedish Rett Center Survey.
Larsson, G. (1997). Fallbeskrivning ”Kvinna med Rett Syndrom återtränar gång och uppresning från golv”. Sjukgymnastdagarna, Stockholm, 1997.
Wandin, H., (2018). AKK i Shenzhen-speed. Logopeden, 3, p. 20-21.
Wandin, H., Claesson, B., & Carlstrand, A. (2012). De måste få vara med i pratet: Nätverket runt personer med Retts syndrom. Logopednytt, 2, 12-14.
Lagerkvist, B., & Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2009). Oliver Sacks. Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. Acta Paediatrica, 2010(99), 318. (Bokrecension)
Lagerkvist, B., & Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2009, 20 okt 2009). Musik som medikament och profylax. Läkartidningen, 106. (Bokrecension)
Bergström-Isacsson, M., & Larsson, G. (2008). Musorik (DVD och Bok): Rett Center.
Bergström-Isacsson, M. (2007). Boganmeldelse – Psyke & Logos: Musik og psykologi. Dansk Musikterapi, Årgång 4 (Nr 2). (Bokrecension)